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"In just four weeks, I have changed more than I ever thought possible. It’s been a deep transformation – no binging, no cheating. I dropped 18 pounds in just 2 weeks! My mental state is improved also, I feel more calm and collected. I finally feel like I’m on the right path and so excited for the future me!"

Czech Republic

"After applying the personalized advice I received from Tristan over several weeks, my health started to change.  My satiety returned, sleep quality increased, body composition improved dramatically, and energy skyrocketed. Nothing can compare with the peace of mind I have now knowing I’m on the right track and having the empirical evidence to prove it!"

New Jersey, USA

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Private Coaching Package$250

  • Total payment
  • 1xPrivate Coaching Package$250

All prices in USD

Service Includes:

Specialized feedback on an in-depth questionnaire

A 1-hour video call to discuss and formulate a plan for success

Personal attention to your goals, history, specific context, budget, and personal preferences

An integrated view on diet, sleep, stress, lifestyle, exercise, light exposure, and more

Full dietary guidance, including a custom 3-day meal plan

4 weeks of direct, unlimited email correspondence

2 months of free membership access to our private community forum with weekly coaching calls and group support
